Sunday, March 4, 2007


TYCOON: I did not think that one Agent would willingly give away tokens to another Agent to help them gain an Exemption...I was wrong. Congrats to Fred for gaining 3 additional tokens and winning the Exemption. I was content to just have 3 tickets.

BIG SWITCHEROO: I did not think I would be picked to switched identities, so I was prepared to ask the right questions and pick the correct two Agents. When it was offered to me, I did not turn it down because I had a chance to gain +2 points on the next Mole Quiz. During the challenge, I tried to get help with a question, but could not find the right answer, so I had to make an excuse for not answering. I thought this might give me away, but it worked out in the end. Congrats to Evin for also gaining +2 points on the next Mole Quiz.

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