Monday, May 14, 2007


If you don't know what you are looking for, then how will you know how to find it. We had 2 hours to complete all three stages of this challenge. It took me about 1 hour & 20 minutes to clear stage 1. Fred cleared stage 1 in 1 hour & 22 minutes and Andy cleared stage 1 in 1 hour & 33 minutes. In stage 2, I did not realize that I was in a maze of some kind because I could only see a very small part of the big picture, so I did nothing about it. Fred & Andy were not as discouraged as I and each found a key (in the maze) worth +1 on the next Mole Quiz. These two Agents are more deserving of winning this game. I just wanted to see how far I could get by playing again. Good Luck to Fred & Andy...You have played this game much better than I have and one of you should win !

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Andy, Fred & myself have been trying to come up with a time & date that works for all sice April 29. That day is here ! It will be this afternoon @ 5 PM. GOOD LUCK !